Teas to keep you healthy during Monsoons

Teas to keep you healthy during Monsoons

Rain laden clouds moving across the sky seldom go unnoticed. Even if that happens, the gentle tapping on the window gradually turns into an unignorable pitter patter. As the monsoons are in their last leg, they are gently letting us know that its not yet the end. Are you constantly bothered by sore throat or running nose? A healthy tea a day can keep the common cold at bay. We have put together some of the best teas from around the world to keep you miles away from the monsoon illnesses.

Thai Tea

A spicy and sweet treat is a well brewed Thai tea. It is a black tea which is sweetened and flavoured with tamarind and star anise. Tamarind is good for digestion and star anise is a spice that is effective in keeping the flus away.

Thai Tea Recipe:

Here’s a recipe to brew an authentic Thai tea that is delicious as well as healthy.

  1. Bring water to boil in a pot. Add a teaspoon of tea, star anise, cardamom, vanilla pod, tamarind powder and turmeric.
  2. Strain the tea
  3. Whisk sugar, whole milk and condensed milk (optional) in a bowl. Add the tea decoction to the milk mixture and enjoy.

Moroccan Tea

The fresh Moroccan tea flavoured with mint or spearmint leaves is a good detox drink as well as an herbal concoction to keep you healthy.

Mint has small amounts of Vitamin A and C as well as calcium and iron. Mint also contains Rosmarinic acid which is an antioxidant that fights against fever. Keep yourselves healthy and fresh by having a sip of this Moroccan tea.

Moroccan Tea Recipe:

  1. Boil 1 and half cups of water, add a teaspoon of green leaves and mint or spearmint leaves
  2. Boil in minimum heat till the concoction reduces to one cup
  3. Strain the brew and sweeten it with sweetener of your choice.

Indian Masala Chai

The Indian Masala Chai takes the cake in keeping one away from flu like sicknesses. Filled with the goodness of spices and the power ingredient ginger which contains gingerol, this chai is much loved due to its medicinal properties. Indian spices such as pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom have anti-inflammatory properties which is effective in fighting against cold and cough.

Masala Chai Recipe:

  1. Boil required amount of water. Add a tea powder. Throw in some of your favourite spices such as cardamom, pepper, anise, cloves etc
  2. Grate a piece of ginger over the brew
  3. Strain the decoction and add milk and sugar.

Yerba Mate

Yerba Mate tea is from Argentina and is known for treatment of headaches and fatigue. It is rich in anti-oxidants which is so important when one feels under the weather.

Yerba Mate which is actually a plant called Ilex paraguariensis is now available as tea bags or powder. It is packed with medicinal properties as well as vitamins such as C and B1.

Mate Recipe:

  1. Boil water and add leaves and twigs of the Yerba Mate plant.
  2. Strain and enjoy. If tea bags are available then dip in hot water and enjoy.
  3. Add sweetener if needed.


The Russian tea brewed using a samovar (portable stove) is dark and strong and is referred as Zavarka. It is brewed with excess quantity of tea leaves and brewed for long period of time which results in a deep concentrate packed with flavonoids and alkaloids with little bitterness as the tannins are lost.

It is easy to brew this Russian tea in your kitchen. However, it could be an acquired taste for the non-native tea drinker as it is sweetened with jam or marmalade.

As this tea is brewed for a longer duration to form a deep concentrate, it is power packed with more antioxidants.

Zavarka Recipe:

  1. Bring water to boil
  2. In a separate hot teapot, add 3 or more tablespoons of black tea leaves, cover the pot so the leaves can be conditioned
  3. Add the boiled water (referred to as kipyatok) after 5 – 10 seconds
  4. Add a dollop of strawberry jam or marmalade (as per your liking) and allow the brew to boil for as long as 15 minutes
  5. Strain the brew. Reduce strength of concentrate by adding boiling water (equal parts)
  6. Add milk and enjoy

Chinese Herbal Tea

An excellent tea for cold, flu, runny nose or sore throat is the Chinese Herbal tea, straight from the land of ancient medicine. This tea’s main ingredients are ginger, dried tangerine peel (or orange peel) and brown sugar.

Ginger, with the active component of gingerol, is rich in phytochemicals and other compounds that can ease inflammation. Orange or Tangerine peel is rich in vitamin C and has super flavonoids. Brown sugar has a plethora of micro nutrients as well as vitamin B6.

Herbal Tea Recipe:

  1. Grate or cut ginger to release flavour
  2. Add grated ginger and tangerine or orange peel to 1.5 L of boiling water
  3. Boil and allow it to simmer for 20 mins
  4. Add brown sugar and wait till it dissolves
  5. Strain and enjoy

We have brought you these healthy teas from around the world that you can brew in your own kitchen so you can stay fit and fine during this monsoon season! So go ahead and get brewing.

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