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There are numerous advantages to using wellness teas and what you can gain from them. Numerous studies have found that a variety of teas can boost your immune system, fight inflammation, and even protect you from chronic diseases. While some teas have more health benefits than others, there is plenty of evidence that drinking tea on a regular basis can have a long-term impact on your health.

Tea has numerous health benefits. Drinking tea instead of soda, energy drinks, or artificially flavoured drinks provides a number of additional health benefits. Octavius has a wide variety of wellness teas, including detox tea, immunity booster tea, slimming teas like green tea, kadha, etc

The advantages of drinking herbal tea

Detoxifies body

Many detox teas or diet teas are helpful in cleansing our bodies. The variants of green tea are also abundantly rich in herbs and antioxidants that promote good health and wellness.

Soothes the mind

Caffeine-free calming teas help to soothe the nervous system and calm the mind. These healthy teas help to recompose your blissful nature. Experience a serene vibe as you sit down, sipping on caffeine-free tea.

Boosts immunity

Immunity booster tea tops the chart amongst all kinds of wellness teas. Since people have become more aware of their fitness and wellness these days, there is no doubt that variants such as tulsi tea, kadha, and other herbal teas are now popular amongst the masses.

Improves digestion

Digestive teas help tremendously to enhance gut health. Rich in antioxidants, these diet teas are suitable for the stomach and pancreas. They provide relief from ulcers, constipation, and indigestion—this further aids in weight loss and treating other chronic diseases.

Relaxed bedtime

Say goodbye to insomnia or sleeping pills as you add herbal teas to your bedtime routine. Your remedy to quick and relaxing sleep is now just a brew away. Popular caffeine-free teas are highly preferred for beating insomnia and giving your body the gift of good sleep.

Improved skin and hair

The favourite benefit of green tea and other herbal teas is better skin and hair health. The polyphenols present in green tea enable clear skin and strong hair. Isn’t it every person’s dream to look beautiful without investing in plenty of creams and cosmetics? Well, here’s your chance as Octavius has launched its range of health and wellness teas.

Slower ageing

Herbal teas help you slow down the ageing process as they are extremely rich in antioxidants. As you brew your delicious tea, you restore the age of the cells in your body. The caffeine-free teas also energise your body and mind instantly.

Octavius has launched its wellness range that focuses on caffeine-free herbal teas in many varieties such as tulsi tea, green tea, detox tea, etc. You can also grab your stock of kadha powder in tulsi and turmeric flavours.

The wellness range is also a good option for gifting, especially for your fitness-loving friends. An assorted collection of teas for different purposes is available at Octavius. There are several collections to choose from, including immunity, detox, calming, slimming, digestive, and energising.

While herbal teas have abundant benefits, we cannot miss out on the medicinal and healing properties of kadha. Not only does it boost your immunity, but it also decreases your body temperature, improves digestion, enhances skin, and a lot more. Let us learn more about it.

How is kadha beneficial for health?

The immunity-boosting kadha relaxes the body and boosts stamina. It is also useful in the treatment of flu, allergies, viral infections, and their symptoms. The powerful antioxidant is also helpful in strengthening stomach health and improving the quality of skin and hair.

Tulsi Kadha Powder

Indian basil is full of vitamin C and zinc, which makes it anti-viral and anti-bacterial in nature. It’s the best choice to keep yourself healthy and strong. Further, tulsi kadha powder has other potent herbs and spices , which combined with Tulsi helps to regulate blood sugar levels and improve dental and oral health. The anti-inflammatory properties help with joint and digestive health and it is considered a healthy choice for arthritis patients.

Turmeric Kadha Powder

The popular Indian spice, when mixed with other potent herbs and spices, is the best cure for inflammation and infection. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health and treat chronic diseases. As it is considered a medicinal herb, it is also the cure for Alzheimer’s, lung conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, and liver damage.

Herbal teas and kadha are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants and should definitely be included in your daily diet. Tulsi, Cinnamon Anise, Chamomile, and Moringa Mint are some of the assorted herbal teas that one must not miss out on! Octavius ensures that your wellness and health are in check by offering an assorted wellness range of green tea and kadha powder. Get yours today and kickstart your journey to better living.