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Teas for the winter season

Winter season is so reminiscent of hot steamy winter chai with a spicy snack on the side. Changes in weather means changes in diet and tea sure tops that list! A fall in few degrees inches us towards bold, earthy teas that can keep our body and spirit warm.

Did you know that the winters can lower body temperature and energy levels? This can only be combatted by winter dream teas that can promote health as well as your immunity.

Here’s a list of our top favorites that can lift your spirits even as the temperatures drop down:

Ginger Tea

Fresh Ginger adds warmth to a tea while dried ones spice it up. Grate this delicious rhizome into any winter tea you brew to make it flavorful and truly warming. If you want to step it up a level, add in some cloves and fennel for a robust tea that can keep you cozy all day.

Masala Chai

Rich, spicy and creamy, the Masala Chai can wake you from hibernation in seconds. Combat sleepiness and fatigue on days you don’t want to climb out of bed by having the super spicy masala winter wakeup tea.

Oolong Tea

Rich Oolongs can generate heat and improve energy levels. It’s the kind of caffeine your body needs to be active all day long even if the weather looks otherwise. Oolongs are sourced from wild mountains more so than tea gardens which make it deeper and richer in flavor and a wonderful tea for winter season.

English Breakfast Tea

Delicious tea that can keep you warm from the inside out. The English breakfast tea undergoes a special oxidation process that makes it richer, nuttier and bolder in flavor. Hints of dark honey if you may say so. With a longer steeping time, these are the best tea for cold weather.