Yummy tea recipes to please your guest this Ganesha Chaturthi

Yummy tea recipes to please your guest this Ganesha Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi means two things – family and fun. Nothing unites families and friends like tea. Strike 9am, members of the family start trickling into the common room, having an eye out for the most-awaited tea before breakfast. Repeat the same at 5PM. Conversations centered around tea-time are the best and never to be forgotten.

This Ganesha Chaturthi, entertain your loved ones with some yummy tea recipes!

Black Tea with an Herbal Twist

Tea is one of the most versatile beverages ever! Just pluck an edible leaf or flower, add in your favorite root, brew for a few minutes with your favorite black tea and sweeten it if you will and you’ve made yourself a flavourful and healthy brew! It’s just that easy. Picking the right combination of root and shoot or a flower and herb, comes with practice. The ritual of brewing an herbal tea is by itself soothing and calming even before you take the first satisfying sip.

Here’s a delicious black tea recipe with a twist you will enjoy


  • 2-3 pods of cardamom
  • An inch of ginger
  • 3-4 leaves of fresh Tulsi
  • 3-4 leaves of fresh mint
  • 3-4 teaspoons of black tea leaves
  • 4 cups of water

Brewing Method:

Crush peeled ginger and cardamom with a mortar pestle. Add them to boiling water. Add in the Tulsi and mint leaves. Let this boil for around 8 minutes, as the ginger takes some time to release its flavor. Next add the black tea leaves and simmer for a couple of minutes. When the liquor turns to deep red, strain and add milk. Enjoy with a spoon of sugar or stevia. This Indian tea with ayurvedic properties is best enjoyed with savory snacks such as samosas or pakoras.

Black teas with herbal ingredients are known for their high anti-oxidant levels. Due to its antiviral capabilities, it’s the best beverage to tackle down infections.

Ginger Tea

A well brewed Ginger tea is always a crowd favorite. Who doesn’t love to take a sip of that spicy tea after a heavy breakfast of modaks and laddus. Its good for digestion after all!

This is one of best version of Ginger tea you could ever brew.


  • 2 to 3 teaspoons of grated ginger
  • 2 cups of water
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 2 black tea bags or 2 teaspoons of loose leaves
  • Sugar to taste

Brewing Method:

Bring the water to boil and add in the tea bags or leaves and grated ginger. Allow it to simmer for 2 minutes on low heat. Add the milk and allow it to boil but on medium heat. Turn the heat off. If you like a creamier tea, simmer for additional 2 minutes. Filter the tea and enjoy with your favorite sweetener.

Flavourful Green Tea

Do you know what goes best with halwas and barfis? A well-made herbal green tea. A green tea is not just great for digestion but also helps to shirk away some of that guilt that comes with consuming five sweets in a row!


  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • Few strands of lemon grass
  • 3-4 Tulsi leaves
  • 5 peppercorns
  • 1 green tea bag
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • A squeeze of lemon

Brewing Method:

Boil water in a pot along with the peppercorns. Add the ginger, lemon grass and Tulsi leaves. Allow it to boil for approximately 5 minutes. Add in the cinnamon powder simmer for a minute. Strain it well in a cup and add a green tea bag, let it steep for few minutes. Your healthy and flavourful green tea is ready! Squeeze in the lemon or add honey as sweetener.

These delicious tea recipes are simple yet crowd pleasers! So, try it out and watch your friends fondly remember you for the wonderful tea time they enjoyed on Ganesh Chaturthi day.

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